eBrand Promotion Blog

Want to Create a New Website? Five Important Questions Every Business Man Must Ask

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If you’ve considered having and creating a website for your business, congratulations! You have made the best strategic decision for your business and are almost at the end of your journey.

But first, take a moment to consider the following 5 crucial questions.

  1. What is the purpose of your website?

The first question you must genuinely answer on your journey to creating a website is the prime purpose of your website.

Different kinds of websites have different purposes depending on who the intended audience is. Know exactly why you want to have this website.

This will guide your course of actions in all to follow including your target audience, your competitors, strategy etc.

You must bear in mind that not all WEBSITES are meant for the same PURPOSE.

Some websites are designed to sell items, while others are to provide useful information, and still others are designed merely for entainment.

  1. Who is your target audience?

Do you know your target audience? Have you identified who they are yet? Knowing your target audience will enable your website know the kind of contents to put out there that would appear appealing to them.  They will be able to relate to your content if insightful, helpful, or interesting.

Remember, targeting everyone is targeting no one.


  1. What are your corporate core values and how do you express them to your visitor?

A good website will constantly express the core values of a company or business in a relatable way to its target audience.

When a visitor visits your website, can know exactly the kind of product or service you are rendering within a minute?

These are your core values and you must have this at your fingertips before developing your dream website.

  1. Who or how will you be managing website upkeep?

Ideally, maintenance is carried out to keep equipment and systems running efficiently during at least its usual life cycle.

It’s not enough to have a website. It must be consistently managed in order to drive traffic and lead sales.

It makes a positive first impression on new visitors, which is the first reason why keeping up with website maintenance is so crucial. After all, your website serves as a representation of your company to many of your clients.

  1. What makes you different from your competitors?

Success in business depends on knowing your competitors.

How can you expect to succeed in a market if you don’t know who the key players are in your industry?

Finding out what your competitors are doing before attempting something new yourself is always to your advantage.

Look at your competitors and their websites, what makes them different from each other?

What do you like about their website? What do you find as a turn off?

Study this critically and find answers to your questions.


For Your Attention Business Owners and Managers: It doesn’t have to be difficult to get started with a professional website for your business.


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We will show you exactly what needs to be done for you to launch a High Converting Website That Will Help Your Business or organization grow rapidly


About Author: Triumph Benjamin Is a Digital Marketing Strategist and Content Manager at eBrand Promotion.

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