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10 Common Web Design Mistakes and How to Solve Them

Many websites struggle with user engagement and performance due to common design mistakes such as poor mobile responsiveness, slow loading speeds, and confusing navigation. This guide explores these issues in detail and offers practical solutions to enhance both user experience and SEO, helping you create a more effective, accessible, and visually appealing website.
Web Design Mistakes
Key Highlights

When it comes to building a website, whether for a personal project, a client, or a business, the quality of the design is a critical factor.

Unfortunately, many web designers in Nigeria fall into the same common traps, leading to websites that fail to engage users or perform optimally.

As a professional web designer in Nigeria, I’ve encountered these issues multiple times, and in this article, I’ll walk you through ten common web design mistakes and how you can solve them.

This guide will be optimized for SEO, answer FAQs, and address misconceptions about web design.

It includes real-world examples, important tips, and actionable solutions to improve the performance and aesthetics of your website.


1. Lack of Mobile Responsiveness


If your target market is Nigeria, more than more than 70-80% of your website’s traffic will come from mobile devices.

Yet, many websites are designed only with desktop users in mind, leading to poor user experience on mobile devices.

A non-responsive design can cause slow loading times, distorted images, and broken layouts on smaller screens.


To solve this issue, use responsive design frameworks like Bootstrap or Flexbox.

Ensure that your CSS media queries are tailored for different screen sizes, and test your design on various devices to confirm that it adjusts seamlessly.

Additionally, using flexible grids and images will ensure your content scales properly.


A Nigerian eCommerce platform, for instance, may see its bounce rates soar if customers can’t easily navigate the product pages on their phones.

To avoid this, design with a mobile-first mindset by prioritizing mobile functionality and then scaling upwards for desktop views.


2. Slow Loading Speeds


Speed is everything online.

According to Google, a website that takes longer than three seconds to load loses about 53% of its visitors. A slow-loading site frustrates users, harms SEO rankings, and reduces conversion rates.


Ensure your website designer optimizes images by compressing them before uploading, minify CSS, JavaScript, and HTML files, and enable browser caching to enhance page speed.

Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights and GTmetrix to analyze your website’s speed and follow the suggestions they provide to improve performance.


A Nigerian news blog could suffer from slow loading times due to heavy multimedia content (images and videos).

By using formats like WebP for images and enabling lazy loading, this site can significantly improve speed without compromising on visual quality.


3. Poor Navigation Structure


If users struggle to find information on your site, they will quickly leave and may never return.

A cluttered or confusing navigation structure is one of the leading reasons for high bounce rates and low user engagement.


Create a clear, intuitive navigation menu that prioritizes user flow.

Use categories, drop-downs, or mega menus to organize information logically.

Avoid overloading your menu with too many links, and ensure all important pages are accessible within 2-3 clicks.


For example, a Nigerian restaurant’s website could have a well-organized menu that highlights its food offerings, location, and contact information in a clear, concise way.

A “sticky” navigation bar that follows users as they scroll can further improve the user experience.


4. Ignoring SEO Best Practices


Many designers focus too much on aesthetics while ignoring SEO.

A beautiful website that doesn’t rank in search engines is a missed opportunity for organic traffic.

Without proper optimization, even the most visually stunning website won’t reach its target audience.


Incorporate SEO best practices from the beginning.

This includes optimizing meta tags (title, description), using H1, H2, and H3 tags properly, ensuring fast page load speeds, and including alt text for images.

If your website is built with wordpress, tools like Yoast SEO can help you implement these strategies.


For an online Nigerian fashion retailer, optimizing product pages with relevant keywords such as “Ankara dresses” or “Aso Ebi outfits” can help attract users looking for specific fashion items.

Use structured data to help Google better understand your content and increase the chances of appearing in rich snippets.


5. Overusing Stock Images


Stock images can feel generic and fail to connect with users.

Over-reliance on these images can make your site look unoriginal, and in some cases, they may not even represent your brand accurately.


Whenever possible, use custom images that are specific to your brand.

If budget constraints prevent you from doing so, ensure that you select high-quality stock images that align with your brand’s personality.

Tools like Unsplash and Pexels offer a variety of free stock photos, but avoid overuse.

Consider adding a personal touch by editing the images or combining them with custom graphics.


A Nigerian travel agency website showcasing African tourist destinations would be far more compelling with original images of the actual locations, as opposed to stock photos of generic landscapes.

This can significantly enhance user engagement and trust.


6. Inconsistent Design Elements


Inconsistent fonts, colors, and button styles across pages can confuse users and make your website appear unprofessional.

This lack of coherence detracts from the user experience and weakens your brand identity.


Create a style guide that includes your brand’s fonts, color palette, and button styles. Stick to this guide across all pages.

Tools like Figma or Adobe XD can help you ensure consistency in design elements.


A Nigerian tech startup website could create a cohesive look by maintaining the same font family, button shapes, and color schemes throughout the site.

For example, if the call-to-action buttons are blue on the homepage, they should remain blue across all pages.


7. Too Much Text Without Breaks


Large blocks of unbroken text are visually overwhelming and difficult to read on the web.

Users are more likely to skim than to read an entire page of content. If they can’t find what they’re looking for quickly, they’ll leave.


Break up text with bullet points, headings, and images.

Keep paragraphs short (2-3 sentences).

Use subheadings to guide users through the content and ensure that the key information stands out. Also, use whitespace effectively to reduce clutter and make the content more digestible.


A Nigerian educational website offering tutorials can make content more engaging by summarizing key points in bullet lists and using infographics to explain complex concepts.

This helps users grasp important information more quickly.


8. Non-Optimized Call to Action (CTA)


Many websites either don’t have a clear call-to-action (CTA) or the CTA is placed poorly.

A missing or weak CTA results in missed opportunities for conversions, whether that means getting users to sign up, buy a product, or contact the business.


Create clear, compelling CTAs that are visually distinct from the rest of the page.

Use action-oriented language (e.g., “Get Started”, “Buy Now”, “Learn More”), and place your CTA buttons where users naturally expect them (above the fold, near product information, or at the end of blog posts).


A Nigerian financial services website can improve conversions by placing a prominent “Contact Us” button at the top of the page, paired with a “Request a Quote” button on service pages.

This encourages users to take the next step without having to scroll through endless content.


9. Failure to Test Across Different Browsers


A website may look flawless in one browser but broken in another.

This is especially problematic in Nigeria, where users may access the web on various browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, or Opera Mini.

Neglecting cross-browser testing can lead to compatibility issues, poor layout rendering, and a loss of potential customers.


Always test your website on multiple browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera Mini) and devices (mobile, tablet, desktop).

Tools like BrowserStack and CrossBrowserTesting allow you to check how your website performs across different environments, so you can fix any issues before going live.


A Nigerian government services website may look great on Chrome but fail to display properly on Opera Mini, which is widely used across Nigeria.

By testing across browsers, such issues can be identified and rectified before launch.


10. Forgetting Accessibility Standards


Web accessibility is often overlooked, but it’s crucial for ensuring your website can be used by individuals with disabilities.

Failure to make a site accessible could not only exclude a segment of your audience but also result in legal penalties in some jurisdictions.


Follow Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).

Ensure that your site includes features like alt text for images, keyboard navigation, color contrast that works for visually impaired users, and screen reader compatibility.

Tools like Wave can help identify accessibility issues.


A Nigerian online marketplace can improve accessibility by ensuring that color contrast is adequate for users with visual impairments, and by allowing users to navigate the site via keyboard without needing a mouse.


Summary Table of Common Web Design Mistakes and Solutions

Mistake Solution
Lack of Mobile Responsiveness Use responsive frameworks like Bootstrap or Flexbox and test on multiple devices.
Slow Loading Speeds Compress images, minify files, enable caching, and use PageSpeed Insights to monitor performance.
Poor Navigation Structure Create intuitive menus, organize content logically, and limit the number of clicks to access important pages.
Ignoring SEO Best Practices Optimize meta tags, use header tags appropriately, improve page speed, and include alt text for images.
Overusing Stock Images Use custom images when possible, or choose high-quality stock images and edit them for personalization.
Inconsistent Design Elements Develop and stick to a brand style guide with consistent fonts, colors, and button styles.
Too Much Text Without Breaks Break text with bullet points, headings, images, and ensure ample whitespace.
Non-Optimized Call to Action (CTA) Use action-oriented CTAs, make them visually distinct, and place them strategically (above the fold or near key content).
Failure to Test Across Different Browsers Test your website on Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Opera Mini using tools like BrowserStack or CrossBrowserTesting.
Forgetting Accessibility Standards Follow WCAG guidelines, use tools like Wave, and ensure features like keyboard navigation and screen reader compatibility are available.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • What makes a website user-friendly?

A user-friendly website is one that is easy to navigate, fast-loading, mobile-responsive, and provides clear, relevant information.

It should be designed with the user’s needs in mind, ensuring a smooth and intuitive experience across all devices.

  • How do I make my website mobile responsive?

To make your website mobile-responsive, use a responsive design framework like Bootstrap or media queries in CSS.

Test your site on various screen sizes and ensure all elements (text, images, buttons) adjust fluidly to different devices.

  • What is the importance of SEO in web design?

SEO is crucial for web design because it ensures that your site ranks well in search engines, making it easier for users to find.

SEO-friendly websites also provide a better user experience, load faster, and are more likely to convert visitors into customers.

  • How can I reduce my website’s loading time?

You can reduce loading time by compressing images, minifying CSS and JavaScript files, enabling browser caching, and using content delivery networks (CDNs) to serve content faster.

Tools like Google PageSpeed Insights provide suggestions for further optimization.

  • Why is accessibility important in web design?

Accessibility ensures that your website can be used by everyone, including individuals with disabilities.

This not only widens your audience but also complies with legal standards and best practices, such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).


In conclusion, avoiding these common web design mistakes is essential for creating a site that is both aesthetically pleasing and functional.

By addressing issues like mobile responsiveness, loading speed, and SEO optimization, your website will not only attract more visitors but also provide a better user experience and higher conversion rates.

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